Watching the 127th Rose Parade..few blocks away from my apartment and sketching!

Happy New Year!  So, I was able to watch the 127th Rose Parade in Pasadena! My apartment is just couple blocks away from the path of the Rose Parade, so I work up in the morning and walked on over to watch the show.  I've seen it live before when I was a wee little lad, but this was the first time seeing it as an adult.  Pretty cool! One of the perks of living here in Pasadena.

I took my iPhone 6 and also my sketch journal, so yes, I did sketch while standing there watching the procession.  Some of the highlights included the Disney float with Star Wars, the Lakers float with Kareem Abdul Jabbar, and lots and lots of bands and horses.

With that said, here are some photos from the event:

The 127th Rose Parade is about to pass through!
This may have been the biggest band ever. I overheard that it's over 700 band members.

Full of life, this float!

"America is Great!" then we saw this. Heh heh. 

Woohoo! Go Anteaters! Yeah, I used to go to UCI.

Disney float...doing their Disney thang.

There's Kylo Ren still looking grumpy on the Happiest Float on Earth.

Where's Han Solo... Oh.

Yeah. Go Lakers!  I remember when I used to love them!

Kareem Abdul Jabbar! Waving like his famous hook shots.

Trader Joes... Love shopping there!

A bit of zip line action going on the middle of the float. Sweet!

The last float.  Who secretly wishes this was a Mad Max float?

Here's what I sketched. I will color them probably soon, but this is what I was able to do while watching the procession:

The gorilla and the wine is from something else. The gorilla was for
Day 405 of Daily Drawing Challenge. The wine is a wine I got from
Trader Joes that I just opened. A Chilean wine--Vinas Chilenas Rosario
Estate Merlot. Quite nicely balanced wine with a fruity flavor.

Happy 2016 everybody! This is the year to do those amazing things you planned to do last year!
