It's true I'm a fan of Vincent Van Gogh. The painting here of Van Gogh is from my sketchbook, done in watercolor. So, I tried to imitate the artist's style.
Like Beethoven, I got into this artist from reading Peanuts. Snoopy had a Van Gogh painting inside his doghouse (although we never get to see it). I remember this because I remember a particular moment when Snoopy's house burned down--Snoopy's thought-bubble cried out: "My books! My Records! My Pool Table! My Van Gogh!"
It's too bad that he was virtually unknown during his lifetime.
This is one of the quotes from the artist:
"Love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is done well."
It's true that whenever we do anything, if you want to do it well, you have to do it in love. Oftentimes, you have to search for something lovable about a particular thing in order to engage it..especially if it's something you have to do. This goes for things, actions, and people. For example, we may have to learn to like people we dislike for the sake of teamwork in a project.
Ultimately, though, the idea of loving many things, as Mr. Van Gogh put it, could be seen as just appreciating life in general. It may take effort to do even that, but one can always take small steps.
You can start off by appreciating the little things. Take up a hobby you used to like. Mine is sketching. Some might like miniature golf. Drinking tea outdoors. It may not make you any money, but if you think about it.... you are making money in order for you to do these very things (only you'll be doing them later..perhaps when you're too old to do them or appreciate them). Do them now while you can. You'll be happier and enjoy life a little more.
Appreciate the present...while you still have it.
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